We mediate the forms of the Divine in mainly two different ways.
From the Divine Feet up to the Head (Padadi Kesha),
From the Head to the Feet (Keshadi Pada).
Masculine forms are usually described from Keshadi Pada and feminine forms in Padadi Kesha. But in Lalita Sahasranama, since Devi is the supreme aspect of all divinity, Devi cannot be attributed to any gender. Hence we could see the description of Devi as Keshadi Pada (from Head to Feet), unlike other feminine forms.
Lalita Sahasranama describes Devi as Om anavadyāṅgyai namaḥ whose body is worthy of worship., on whom we cannot find any faults.
Devi is also praised as Om sarvābharaṇa bhūṣitāyai namaḥ [who is resplendent with all types of ornaments.]
Normally the person gets benefitted from wearing ornaments. But for Devi, that is not the case. Amma often says ”Do we need to decorate a golden pot?”. Devi doesn’t need any ornaments. By adorning ornaments, the lustre of the ornaments is increased not Devi’s. Even though Mother doesn’t need any ornaments, for the sake of Her children, for others to enjoy and meditate on Her form.
As told earlier, in LalitaSahasranama, Devi’s form is being described from head to toe starting from Om campakāśoka punnāga saugandhika lasat kacāyai namaḥ [whose hair has been adorned with flowers like campaka, etc.] and ending with Om śiñjāna maṇi mañjīra maṇḍita śrī padāmbujāyai namaḥ [whose auspicious lotus feet are adorned with gem-studded golden anklets that tinkle sweetly.]
Devi’s hair is adorned with flowers like champaka, asoka, punnaga. She is wearing a beautiful crown named Navamani Mukutam (the crown studded with 9 gems), the crown has a crescent moon. She is wearing a tilak and a bindi on Her forehead. The earrings, various necklaces, finger rings, ornaments worn on the hips, ornaments on the feet and fingers, weapons on Her various arms. 26 types of ornaments were seen various scriptures adorned on Devi. It is not the ornaments that gives lustre to the Mother but the other way round. Thus making all Her children happy, the mother dwells resplendent with all types of ornaments.
Lalita Sahasranama describes Mother’s smile as Om manda smita prabhā pūra majjat kāmeśa mānasāyai namaḥ [who submerges even the mind of Kamesha (Lord Shiva) in the radiance of Her smile.]
This is an everlasting smile. Mother is always smiling. Lord Parameshwara likes to see Mother smiling always. Sri Sankara poetically describes this in a story.
Devi’s garden had many chakora birds (the legendary birds that lived off consuming only the moonlight from a full moon day). Devi used to visit the garden sometimes and play with the chakora birds. On a very rare occasion, Devi came to the garden. The chakora birds who were contemplating only on the full moon saw the soft smile radiating from Mother’s face. It is said that when compared to Mother’s smile, the resplendent moonlight was nothing for the chakora birds.
When go for a feast, if anyone consumes more sweet pudding, will result in a nauseating feeling. This will be neutralized instantly when you consume the sour ginger-tamarind pickle. In a similar way the chakora birds, by seeing Mother’s smile entered a an eternal blissful state. For them, seeing the full moonlight became like having the ginger pickle in between an amazing feast.
स्मितज्योत्स्नाजालं तव वदनचन्द्रस्य पिबतां
चकोराणामासीदतिरसतया चञ्चुजडिमा
अतस्ते शीतांशोरम्रुतलहरी अम्लरुचयः
पिबन्ति स्वच्छन्दं निशि निशि भृशं काञ्जिकधिया
Soundarya Lahari 63
The Chakora birds, feel that their beaks have been numbed, by forever drinking, the sweet nectar-like light emanating fromMother’s moon-like face, and for a change wanted to taste something sour. Thus, they have started freely drinking, the white rays of the moon in the sky, night after night, thinking that is is sour rice gruel.
The full moon in a spring season is usually considered as something that evokes happiness in everyone. But Mother’s face is considered more beautiful than that. The living examples for this were the great souls like Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, and divine beings like our Amma. You can always see a smile on their face. In Amma’s dhyana sloka, we chant Manda-smitha-sri-mukhim . The famous Swami Ramdas of Anandasram, Kanhangad use to smile always even if he is alone in his room. This is due to the overflow of the infinite bliss they were experiencing. We could see such great beings smiling and being happy whatever the situations may be.