A true spiritual seeker analyses the world well through the grace of Mother and penance breaks out of the illusion and understands the entire creation is nothing but the union of Shiva & Shakti. This can be achieved through various paths of Sadhana, it can be that of Devotion (Bhakti), hence Devi is praised as
Om bhakti priyāyai namaḥ (who is fond of (and pleased by) devotion.)
Om bhakti gamyāyai namaḥ (who is attained only through devotion.)
Om bhakti vaśyāyai namaḥ (who is to be won over by devotion.)
Om bhayāpahāyai namaḥ (who dispels fear.)
Om śāmbhavyai namaḥ (who is the wife of Sambhu (Shiva).)
in Lalita Sahasranama.
The path of Sadhana can be of the non-attribute one (Nirguna), hence Devi is praised as
Om nir guṇāyai namaḥ
(who is beyond all three gunas of nature, namely, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.)
Om niṣ kalāyai namaḥ (who is without parts.)
Om śāntāyai namaḥ (who is tranquil.)
Om niṣ kāmāyai namaḥ (who is without desire.)
Om nir upaplavāyai namaḥ (who is indestructible.)
The path of Sadhana can also be of Kundalini, hence Devi is praised as
Om kula kuṇḍālayāyai namaḥ
(who abides in Kulakunda (the centre of Muladhara chakra).)
Om kaula mārga tatpara sevitāyai namaḥ and so on. There are amore than 70 mantras dedicated to this path in Lalita Sahasranama
The path of yoga Sadhana constituting various chakras namely Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, Sahasrara is also extensively described in Lalita Sahasranama.
Whether through Bhakti, Jnana, Yoga, sadhana, it is through excelling in Sadhana alone or a sadhak alone get the special blessings of Devi. That is why Devi is praised as
Om abhyāsātiśaya jñātāyai namaḥ
(who is known only through the strenuous practice of spiritual discipline) in Lalita Sahasranama.
Hence through Creation, Sustenance, Dissolution, Disappearance and Blessings (the 5 actions described in the previous episode). The truth disappears with the power of illusion and through the blessings of the divine, the illusion is overcome and become enlightened. We understand that the entire creation is the union of Shiva & Shakti. LalitaSahasranama, in a nutshell, points out that understanding this truth is the ultimate aim of one’s life.
Let us see about the story of manifestation of Goddess Lalita. The word Lalita has many meaning. The one who is beautiful is the most popular, laliteti sundaram. Another meaning is, one who can be approached by anyone, from small kids to the old aged ones.
Om ābāla gopa viditāyai namaḥ (who is known well by all)
Devi is known by all, from the shepherds to the small kids. No much special wisdom, scriptural knowledge and any other eligibility is needed to go to Her. She can be achieved by pure devotion. Hence this name.
Once a demon king named Tharaka, started spreading havoc in all the worlds. He cast fear and sorrow to Devas and all the goodhearted ones.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत |
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् || Gita 4.7
Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, at that time I manifest says Lord Krishna to Arjuna. There is. similar sloka in Devi Mahatmyam
इत्थं यदा यदा बाधा दानवोत्था भविष्यति
तदा तदावतीर्याहं करिष्याम्यरिसङ्क्षयम् – Devi Mahatmyam 11.54-55
whenever there are chaos and disturbances to the good people because of danavas (evil ones), I incarnate and eliminate the evil every time.
So, when Tharakasura’s chaos became unbearable, the Devas started a sacrifice under the protection of Lord Vishnu. It was said in the puranas that this sacrifice continued for a very long time, around 4000 years. All the Devas were participating. Even after a strenuous and long yaga, Devi didn’t appear, at that time all the Gods started to sacrifice themselves to the pyre. From that fire, emanated the Divine Mother.
Om cid agni kuṇḍa sambhūtāyai namaḥ (who was born in the fire pit of Pure Consciousness)
Om deva kārya samudyatāyai namaḥ (who is intent on fulfilling the wishes of the gods.)